Wednesday, May 30, 2012

stanley cup final, game 1

hi guys! we're here for the second period of game one, three mins left, eating hummus. score is 1:0 la. present, vanessa, becca and kendra. becca thinks la will win in six, i think nj in six, becca's heart lies in nj, vanessa has a preference for the east coast. two mb's on nj, one in la. in any event we will get the cup here in wpg. new york didn't have any manitobans but it had a staal. my dad was talking about sod the other day and i thought of them.

discussion of cbc's 'while the men watch' - it should have been us. ness 'as long as it goes into overtime, new jersey has it'. ooooh. discussion of rental income and moving in together. nj score, speaking of cutlery drawers. it went of an la player, 'that's why he looks so sad'. tie game.

'do they have an online farmers almanac that's like updated?"
discussion of weather experts. comparison of farmers almanec and fight club. ooh 'brodeur looks like a rooster?" becca describing her time listening to while the men watch. so weird. wouldn't you rather hear us talk about weather trends?

'is this a chocolate, or is this an olive'

becca: 'we love talking about hockey players, their personal lives, their astrological charts, whether they pay their bills, but we still know our shit and can still love and talk about the game, just like the guys."

discussion of deer tick the band, and how we haven't heard them because we don't like ticks. rebecca: 'aren't deer ticks the ones who carry lyme disease, the nastiest of the ticks?" lyme disease is aparently incurable. love the discussion of marty being 40. the three look great today, all in shades of grey but great coordination: ron, pj and kelly. ron pays such good attention to others.

pj's eyes look red. 'there's a visine for that!' - ness. just so you know we all have 'pj stock crew' tshirts, ordered directly from boston. 'we need a close up of kelly hrudy's line to see if they shared that joint. pj must have picked out the tie after he smoked it' vanessa.

goodbye lindstrom......hello watermelon. 'it's awful that he gave his announcement so quickly so late. it's like getting married and then breaking up with a text message. just so you know, you are never going to see me again even though you love me and i've been around for 20 years' vanessa on lindstrom's retirement.

OT predictions: ness - zubrus, rebecca - kovalchuk, kendra - zajak.

remember hanzal and yandle? hahahahaha.

least favourite adjective: rebecca - 'pedestrian'
word you'd like to turn into a non-complimentary adjective: kendra - 'road' as in "ugh, that necklace is SO road."

'this is the stuff that women want to hear while watching the hockey game'.

kopitar wins it on a breakaway. kings take game 1. 'like all the series so far, the kings win game 1'. premonition? we shall see.

shout out to tracey in nicaragua!

final thoughts: kendra - "the kings are SO road." ness - "they probably loss because i took off my devils-colour-themed nail polish." reb - "i'm going to look up the astrological charts of both teams."

happy last day of may (tomorrow)! love, nervoustime.

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